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Winter Sport 2025: GoKarting 02
02.23.2025 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

First Quarter Board Meeting 2025
02.23.2025 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm



Upcoming ZBimmer Events

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ZBimmers Events

For upcoming events, see the left-side ZBimmer calendar.  For complete event details or for more information, please contact the designated ZBimmer Coordinator.

Obviously you appreciate the Z3, M roadster, the coupes, the Z8 and the newly minted Z4. While one of them is a thing of beauty, imagine the impact of 2 to 20 Z cars cruising down the road together. That's exactly the attraction for many folks who gather together under the banner of Zbimmers.

ZBimmersIt all began quite innocently on the front lawn of the manufacturing facility in Spartanburg, South Carolina during Homecoming 1999. A silver Z, met a red Z, met a charcoal Z, and vowed to drive together on a regular basis since they all garaged in northeast Ohio. Through the magic of the Internet, they also knew a blue M that wanted to join in the fun. Those four Zs did the Inaugural Drive the following month, starting a tradition of monthly activities that continues today. Through the years, the e-mail roster expanded to almost 100 Zs from all over northern Ohio.

At the yearly planning session, event dates are set and volunteers offer to plan a drive. As the drive date approaches, the details of where and when to meet are e-mailed to the ZBimmers. The drive usually begins and ends close to an eatery, giving rise to our motto, "Drive and eat! Drive and eat!"

Each drive announcement has a boiler plate which sums up our philosophy. Please join us for all day or just for the part that's convenient for you. Bring along all the Zs and like-minded enthusiasts that you can find. Dress appropriately for the temperature because we drive regardless of weather. Don't forget sunscreen and sun glasses if it's bright. Have a full tank of gas to start the drive. Bring your Talkabouts tuned to channel 7.5. Be sure the camera has batteries or film and remember your tank-of-gas donation for charity.

The Northern Ohio ZBimmers support Make-A-Wish and we collect a donation at each drive. It's a small way to share our good fortune as we cruise around the countryside in our magnificent driving machines.

Come on out, join in the fun and meet some of the best folks on the road. Let's drive a few miles together soon!